Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jewish identity+ Research and active citizenship

21.09. 2011
It was the first time we gathered together in a flat in Rakoczi street thanks to Lili's and her mother's help. It seems we found a permanent place for the group meetings. We went on with the topic of Jewish identity through our own photos and personal experiences related to them. In connection with the same topic two of us took on the task to show in a family-statue how Judaism appears in their own families. We represented the familiy members and the Judaism as well in different situtations, so it could be seen how the position of Judaism changed when the family left home or a stranger entered the home. Later we discussed how each of us felt in one's own role. 

had recieved the article of Appadurai (The right to reasarch) on the earlier occasion and read it at home. The essay refered to social responsibility by supposing that active citizenship can be achieved through researching the social enviroment and one's own place in it. First we discussed the text in smaller groups through different points of view then one person from the group reported on their opinion about the text. Finishing the evening in the regular way we realized that almost everyone had expected to get closer to the essence of our project and enter the planning phase. 

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