

What do we do?                    WE COOK!
What do we cook?                 CHRISTMAS AND CHANUKAH DISHES!
How do we cook them?         TOGETHER!
Where do we cook them?IN VI AND VII DISTRICT HOMES, AT HOMES FOR THE                                                                    ELDERLY AND HOMELESS SHELTERS!
When do we cook?                IN THE AFTERNOON OF DECEMBER 27, AS PART OF THE Q6Q7 FESTIVAL!
Who will cook?                      ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO!

And then wat do we do?       WE GO FOR A CHANUCHRISTMAS DINNER!
With whom?                           WITH ALL THE OTHERS WHO WERE COOKING!
And where do we go?                       TO SIRÁLY!
When do we go there?           AT 8 IN THE EVENING ON DECEMBER 27

Why?                                      To make these celebrations our own, common feast!

Social Action Exchange's community cook out as part of the Q6Q7 festival, December 27 2011.

The community cook out will happen on the afternoon of December 27, in the inner part of districts VI and VII, in the former Jewish neighbourhood, where the festival takes place.

The cook out will take place in private homes, where small groups will cook typical Christmas or Chanukah dishes. Those cooking together may have been friends for a long time, or will meet for the occasion á la Couchsurfing. 

People will cook at about 14 different locations at the same time, among them an old people's home and a homeless shelter for women. 
Once all the groups are done cooking, all of us meet at Sirály , where we can try each other's dishes. 

You can take part in the following ways: 
Assure a location (but only in districts VI and VII!)
Bring a recipe or cooking finesse
Bring helping hands
Bring ingredients 

Documentation: Each group will photo-log the cooking process and all these pictures will be projected at Sirály in the evening. We will create mini-interviews with the participants, about how the holidays are held in their family, how they sit around the table and about the origin of the family recipes. We will create a booklet with all these materials in the month following the cook out. 

Our goals:
to create a common ritual by connecting Christmas and Chanukah
to create a community beyond the nuclear family during the holidays
to bring attention to how easy it is to withdraw in this society, when a strong community could solve so many problems
to include groups (the elderly, the homeless) that would normally not join these kinds of festivals and are easily marginalised 

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